All Courses

We have courses from beginners level to intermediate level but Because of the quality of knowledge we want to pass to our subscribers, we currently have only Html and Css course at the moment while we make up the JavaScript course. 

Take the Html and Css course today and begin your web development journey with experienced tutors

If you have completed Html and Css course, do well to take our practice exercise and stay tuned as we roll out our JavaScript course in no time

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Html and Css

Html is an acronym for “Hyper Text Markup Language”. It’s the language with which the structure of every webpage is designed. you can conclude by saying that Html is the foundation of every website.

CSS is an acronym for “Cascading Style Sheet”. Css is used to beautify our website. without Css, all you will see in a webpage will be the skeleton(Html) of that webpage. There are more about Css which you will learn as you take the Html and Css course